Medical Advice and Guides by Doctor-4-U For Your Health

  1. How Much Does Saxenda Cost and is it Worth The Price?

    How Much Does Saxenda Cost and is it Worth The Price?
    When considering choosing Saxenda as a weight-loss method many people often include the price as a big factor in their decision making, and rightly so. One of our most frequently asked questions is how much does Saxenda cost, and how long will they need to use it so that they can determine how much Saxenda will set them back over...
  2. Is there a link between erectile dysfunction and diabetes?

    Is there a link between erectile dysfunction and diabetes?
    Erectile dysfunction and diabetes can go hand-in-hand, in fact, it’s common for men who have diabetes to experience impotence, or in other words, the inability to get or maintain an erection that is firm enough for penetrative sex. While erectile dysfunction cannot cause diabetes, the effects of diabetes can cause erectile dysfunction. If you’ve not yet got to the root...
  3. Everything you need to know about the flu vaccine 2020

    Everything you need to know about the flu vaccine 2020
    There has been a surge in demand for flu vaccinations this year as we get prepared for what seems to be a challenging winter ahead. Not only are we faced with the annual outbreak of flu and other common viruses, we now have COVID-19 to contend with.  It’s more important than ever to make sure we’re fit and well this...
  4. What is Maskne and How Can I Stop it?

    What is Maskne and How Can I Stop it?
    If you’ve been noticing pimples and redness around your mouth, nose, chin and cheeks lately, there’s a chance you might be experiencing maskne – blocked pores caused by friction and excess moisture on the skin. However, don’t be too quick to cast the masks aside – maskne is easily prevented and treated with over the counter products, so you should...
  5. Contraceptive Pill Shortages: What Are The Alternative Options Available?

    Contraceptive Pill Shortages: What Are The Alternative Options Available?
    If getting your normal brand of contraceptive pill has proven difficult these past few months it may not just be because of the coronavirus pandemic, contraceptive pill shortages have been a pandemic in itself for some months now. More and more women are facing difficulties getting access to their regular form of contraception, ‘the pill’, as it’s known. This is...
  6. Your Health During COVID-19: Anxiety

    Your Health During COVID-19: Anxiety
    The past few months since the COVID-19 pandemic began has been an anxious time for all of us, but if you already suffer from an anxiety disorder this can be a crippling time for you.  Panic attacks, separation anxiety, social anxiety, and generally feeling anxious have all been heightened by the current crisis. If this sounds like something you’ve been...
  7. The Skincare Low-Down: ‘Lockdown Skin’ & The Best Skincare Products To Treat It

    The Skincare Low-Down: ‘Lockdown Skin’ & The Best Skincare Products To Treat It
    Dry, combination, oily, acne-prone, the list goes on when it comes to problematic skin and while most of us have been indoors for the past few months due to the pandemic, many people are reporting a worsening of their skin condition. Stress, poor indoor air quality, lack of sun, and dramatic changes to our routine including diet and sleep are...
  8. How to stay safe during COVID-19 if you’re an asthma sufferer

    How to stay safe during COVID-19 if you’re an asthma sufferer
    Asthma patients are in the high-risk groups of those more likely to suffer complications from COVID-19. The NHS states that there are two types of groups, those who are clinically extremely vulnerable (high risk), and those that are clinically vulnerable (moderate risk). Asthma falls into both of these groups, but how do you know which one applies to you?  This...
  9. Your Health During COVID-19: Sexual Health

    Your Health During COVID-19: Sexual Health
    Why you shouldn’t meet someone for sex during lockdown One of the many things which has been affected by the COVID-19 lockdown is our sexual wellbeing. Whether you’re married, single or currently have a partner (or several even), the current circumstances across the world will be impacting this part of your life to some degree. Keeping your sexual health in...
  10. Your Health During COVID-19: Why You’re Experiencing Vivid Dreams & Insomnia

    Your Health During COVID-19: Why You’re Experiencing Vivid Dreams & Insomnia
        Insomnia and vivid dreams are the topics of some popular discussions that have been circulating since the country went into lockdown with many people asking, ‘what’s going on with these weird dreams I’m having?’, or ‘what’s happened to my sleeping pattern?’ and ‘why can’t I sleep at night?’. If these are the questions you’re asking, you’re not alone...

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